Who we serve
Politically active people make democracies work. We support change driven green actors around the world by strengthening their capacity to participate and influence Politics.
We partner with green political parties and their members in Eastern Europe, Latin America & Africa – those with an ambition to increase their organisational capacity, resources & support from voters.
Our Work
We believe that people should live in peaceful co-existence & equal cooperation within the limits set by the planet. What we do on a day-to-day basis brings us closer to this deeply held belief:
We amplify green political organisations
Donors trust us to make sure that funding is reaching the right people. We look for and support people and parties working for real change in politics. Our transparent and seamless sub-granting process means we share funds fairly.
We strengthen green principles in political systems
We work alongside political actors to enhance the skills and experience needed to successfully fulfil their roles. We help level the playing field, empowering them to develop their capacity; to constructively cooperate on issues that affect them, their country, and the broader region.
We abide by and uphold green principles
We’re committed to growing a vigorous network of innovative green actors worldwide. Through networking events and programs, we enable our partners to engage in healthy debate, share and grow their knowledge, exchange ideas, and get their voices heard.
This is what sets us apart

Partnerships and Associations
We’re on a mission to accelerate the transition to sustainable democratic societies. This means building strong partnerships and alliances to advance green principles in politics.
We are a member of the global community, working toward green ideals and partnering with organisations to advance green principles in politics. Since 1995, we have worked with green parties and organisations in more than 50 countries

We recognize the power imbalances embedded in the way development cooperation works and we make a conscious effort to be equity-centered.
Take a look at 3 project stories highlighting our impact in advancing global green politics with our partners.
Together to Strengthen Green Politics in Kenya
Kenya’s institutions and models of political and economic governance have largely remained non-inclusive since independence. The political landscape is highly tribal/ethnicity based. Political leadership and governance are for the most part unaccountable and corruption levels are high.

Amplifying Youth Voices in Eastern Europe
To prioritise profit over sustainability remains the dominating political agenda in most of the Eastern European countries. Phenomena such as political distrust and apathy have gained ground in the past years. As a consequence, a decrease in political engagement is seen across the populations.

Promoting Youth Participation and Influence in Zambia and Malawi
In Zambia and Malawi today, most members of political parties are young people (18-35), but the leadership positions are almost always held by people above the age of 50. In the same way, even though young people make up a large part of the electorate, they have very low political representation.

We support sustainability, the development of democracy, and the fight for Human rights